Trump's refugee and humanitarian aid faulted for 'cruel practices'
Refugees International gave the Trump administration's U.S. practices a 'failing grade' for a second year in a row.
Award-winning U.N.-accredited journalist, with 30+ years on four continents, almost half of it for AP in Washington, New York and Geneva.
Refugees International gave the Trump administration's U.S. practices a 'failing grade' for a second year in a row.
UNCTAD is looking at how to solve the climate crisis, particularly how sea level rise impacts small island nations.
Farming, logging, mining and other human activities add to climate impacts on land, costing up to 17% of global GDP.
A warning that sovereignty and national borders are being invoked to prevent human rights issues from being addressed.
The 170,000 young people polled were split over whether to blame governments, companies or other young people.
Human rights experts cited a 'pervasive lack of accountability' in the Saudi-led alliance backed by Western governments.
First responders struggled to reach the scene where some survivors were believed to still be trapped under the rubble.
Under the legally binding Macolin treaty, a special committee will be set up to create procedural rules and a mandate.
Little more than 60% of all refugee children are able to go to primary schools, versus 90% among all children globally.
The summit is held once every three years to examine protections for wild animals and plants traded internationally.
The summit in France was overshadowed by fears of an escalating trade war between the United States and China.
Oceans, landfills and public spaces are filling with degraded bits and pieces of bottles, toys and other plastic pollution.
The E.U.'s antitrust probe of the Libra project focuses on concerns it would improperly shut out rival payment systems.
The proposed global treaty is intended to strengthen marine protections for international waters that are beyond the 200 nautical mile (370 kilometer) jurisdiction of coastal nations.
The aim is to establish better networks of support worldwide for advocates and raise the pressure for perpetrators of violence and intimidation to be held accountable.
Prodded by China and Pakistan, the U.N. Security Council held a closed-door discussion on the Indian-controlled region.