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Food waste could circle Earth sevenfold

While one-in-10 people on the planet suffers chronic hunger, the world wastes about 17% of all the food that is produced each year, UNEP reported.

Gulls flock on a garbage truck in Dorset, U.K., collecting food waste to convert to biogas and fertilizer
Gulls flock on a garbage truck in Dorset, U.K., collecting food waste to convert to biogas and fertilizer (AN/Andrew Bone)

Chronic hunger afflicts almost one-in-10 people on the planet yet 17% of the food produced worldwide each year is wasted, according to a U.N. Environment Program report on Thursday.

Most of the waste, slightly more than 1 billion tons, is routinely thrown into the garbage by households, restaurants and other food services, and retail stores. Households account for 61% of that waste, UNEP found, while food service providers and retailers were responsible for 26% and 13%, respectively.

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