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G-20 finance ministers agree higher taxes on super-rich are a priority

A proposed 2% minimum tax on billionaires will be taken up at Brazil's G-20 Leaders' Summit in November.

G-20 ministers meeting under Brasil’s presidency in Rio de Janerio
G-20 ministers meeting under Brasil’s presidency in Rio de Janerio (AN/G-20 Brazil Audiovisual)

Finance ministers from the Group of 20 major economies declared they will seek ways to ensure the wealthiest people pay their fair share of taxes.

What's new: The-G20, a forum of the world's biggest economies for developing global policies on pressing challenges, agree the super-rich are finding too many ways to skirt their responsibilities to collective government spending. The forum's consensus statement on Friday – a ministerial declaration on international tax cooperation and geopolitical issues – promotes collective action but does not specify a global tax.

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