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New green tech finance platform launches

A group of nations responsible for nearly half of all global warming pollutants launched a new finance initiative to oversee investment in climate technologies.

NASA engineer Bente Eegholm prepares a new laser instrument, GEDI
NASA engineer Bente Eegholm prepares a new laser instrument, GEDI, to map temperate and tropical forests from the International Space Station (AN/Desiree Stover)

A group of nations responsible for nearly half of all global warming pollutants said on Monday it has launched a new finance initiative to oversee massive investment in climate technologies that can help fulfill the 2015 Paris Agreement.

The European Union and seven nations from four continents — Argentina, Canada, Chile, China, India, Kenya and Morocco — set up the International Platform on Sustainable Finance, or IPSF. Together they account for 44% of global carbon dioxide emissions and an equal share of the world's GDP.

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