No remote learning for 463 million children
Nearly a third of the world’s 1.5 billion schoolchildren have been unable to access remote learning during school closures due to the coronavirus pandemic.
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Nearly a third of the world’s 1.5 billion schoolchildren have been unable to access remote learning during school closures due to the coronavirus pandemic.
On the 75th anniversary of the first atomic bombing, Hiroshima's mayor called on world leaders to ban atomic weapons and boost international cooperation.
The ILO said a two decade-old convention outlawing the worst forces of child labor has gained universal ratification among all of its 187 member nations.
A generation of children could suffer major setbacks if nations fail to sufficiently contain the coronavirus so schools can reopen, according to UNESCO data.
A third of the world's children have elevated levels of lead in their blood that could lead to irreversible harm, UNICEF and Pure Earth reported.
The coronavirus pandemic is the worst global public health emergency to be declared under a 13-year-old international law for deadly disease outbreaks.
WHO warned there will be "no return to the 'old normal' for the foreseeable future" as COVID-19 spreads and too many governments fail to act effectively.
The number of people not getting enough nutrition rose by 60 million since 2014 — and the pandemic may add up to 132 million more this year.
A big problem, the organizations say, is that collection and recycling programs don't keep pace with the rising pollution.
The global coronavirus outbreak could cause as much as $3.3 trillion in losses to the global tourism industry if the pandemic lasts a year.
The U.N. human rights chief says the challenge of preventing abuses is rising sharply as racism and social inequalities accelerate the coronavirus pandemic.
Crackdowns on protesters and journalists landed the U.S. on a global alliance's updated watchlist of nations dogged by "serious concerns" for civic freedoms.
ASEAN leaders pushed back at China, asserting a 1982 U.N. treaty should serve as the basis for resolving disputes over claims in the South China Sea.
The world's first permanent war crimes tribunal won support from 67 nations opposed to U.S. attempts to block a probe of alleged war crimes in Afghanistan.
Global coronavirus cases surged past 9 million killing 470,000 people — an increase of 1 million infections in just six days — led by the U.S. and Brazil.
In a podcast, Greta Thunberg invokes a 183-year-old tale that captures the thinking needed to solve the climate crisis and her surreal journey as an activist.