Global trading rules galvanize G-20 leaders amid U.S.-China tensions
The Group of 20's final communiqué expressed concern about the future direction of the World Trade Organization, which U.S. President Donald Trump threatened to leave.
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The Group of 20's final communiqué expressed concern about the future direction of the World Trade Organization, which U.S. President Donald Trump threatened to leave.
The Geneva-based International Center for Trade and Sustainable Development, or ICTSD, which was founded in 1996, said it was closing down immediately.
The trade deal fulfills U.S. President Donald Trump's pledge to replace the 1994 North American Free Trade Agreement.
The murder of Jamal Khashoggi overshadowed the U.N. examination of Saudi Arabia's troubled human rights record, with nations calling for a proper investigation into his killing.
Protesters urged more attention to global weapons sales in the wake of a journalist's murder in a Saudi consulate at Istanbul.
The ONE Campaign says at least 669 million people worldwide would have needlessly died between 1990 and 2016.
There's mounting evidence of Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election. But the two nations are brought together through the diplomacy of shared pursuits in space.
Concerns about climate change's rapid rate of advance in the far north drove three years of talks on commercial fishing.
At the U.N. General Assembly, U.S. President Donald Trump unleashed a vicious attack on the U.S.-hosted world body that he described as a largely usesless "global bureaucracy."
The U.N. Security Council, led by the U.S. this month, held its first meeting devoted to debating the ties between corruption, peace and security, focusing especially on Venezuela.
Russians and Americans have a complicated history of election meddling abroad but they are not equivalent, international organizations and democracy proponents say.
More than a half-century after the world agreed to keep the peace in outer space, U.S. President Donald Trump's militarization plans could violate international space law.
Deep-seated Muslim anger at efforts to satirize Prophet Muhammad stirred the Organization of Islamic Cooperation to propose a ban against incitement of religious hatred.
The report found the highest concentration of modern slavery in North Korea — and bigger numbers than previously reported in Australia, Europe and the United States.
A new pact for promoting safe migration that's supported by 190 countries has been advancing through the United Nations without participation from the United States and Hungary.
After calling NATO obsolete and suggesting America might not defend other alliance members, U.S. President Donald Trump demanded other members raise their defense spending.