Protection areas for night skies multiply with growing movement
The movement against too much artificial light at night celebrates International Dark Sky Week in April.
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The movement against too much artificial light at night celebrates International Dark Sky Week in April.
The European Union and eight other nations condemned Saudi Arabia, demanding that it cooperate with a U.N.-led investigation into Jamal Khashoggi's brazen murder.
The Human Rights Council began with warnings of broken norms despite some powerful movements for social justice.
The biggest beneficiaries are likely to be the E.U., Mexico, Japan, Canada, South Korea, India, Australia and Brazil.
Instagram is the fastest-growing social media network among leaders, organizations and governments and the third most popular for global diplomacy after Twitter and Facebook.
The U.N.'s new human rights chief and UNICEF are generating thousands of engagements on Twitter, another sign of how indispensable social media has become for organizations.
With demands growing for the U.N. chief to appoint an investigation into Jamal Khashoggi's murder, a review by Arete News found just eight previous instances of such an order.
Newly installed U.N. human rights chief Michelle Bachelet took on Myanmar's government, defending the right to press freedom and calling for the release of two journalists.
The departing U.N. human rights chief Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein, a Jordanian prince and diplomat, warned people's rights must be defended amid a rise in populist-driven authoritarians.
Bachelet got involved in politics after becoming a Chilean human rights activist in the early 1970s, owing to her family becoming political prisoners and the death of her father, an air force general, after months of torture while in prison.
Beyond the repercussions in Washington and Beijing, international organizations said the tit-for-tat tariffs will undercut a broad array of global development efforts.
High shares of renewables are being integrated in the power sector, but not fast enough to fight climate change.
A World Health Organization commission ratcheted up the pressure in a fight against neglected chronic diseases.