Trump fills long-vacant U.N. envoy post with wealthy political ally
U.S. senators confirmed Kelly Craft as the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, multilateralism's biggest stage.
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U.S. senators confirmed Kelly Craft as the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, multilateralism's biggest stage.
Difficulties in hiring non-European staff and overcoming perceptions of corporate secrecy weigh on the sports body.
The military delivered more than 88,000 tons of packages and letters last year and must now plan for a possible disruption.
Iran's biggest European trading partners are Germany, Italy, France, Spain, Belgium, the Netherlands, Austria, and Greece.
The aim is to help fulfill the Paris Agreement’s goal of preventing average global temperatures from rising more than 2° Celsius above pre-industrial levels, or 1.5° if possible.
He had been in poor health since 2018 and already let it be known he planned to resign next March, midway through his third term, which would have run through 2021.
The condemnation came from Australia, Canada, Iceland, Japan and New Zealand, along with 17 European nations.
The head of the 36-nation organization called on governments to listen to millions of people worried about climate change.
Iran is only allowed to enrich a certain amount of uranium up to 3.67%, enough to fuel a commercial nuclear power plant.
The 15-nation council unanimously condemned recent attacks on oil tankers and called them a threat to international peace.
It was the first time that a person's right to work free from violence and harassment was put into an international treaty.
Chinese state media said the confession from Meng, who served as China's vice minister of public security, came at a trial in northern China. His wife called it a "fake case."
The number of refugees, internally displaced people and asylum-seekers rose by 2.3 million from 2017. And over the past two decades, the number has doubled.
The team's report pins responsibility for journalist Jamal Khashoggi's murder on Saudi Arabia and 15 of its agents.
A spokesperson for Iran's Atomic Energy Organization said the stockpile would exceed the limit before the end of June.
The centenary featured prominently at the opening of ILO's labor conference with delegates from 187 nations.