WHO says new antibiotics pipeline thins
WHO At least 700,000 people a year die from drug-resistant diseases but only 50 antibiotics exist in the medical community pipeline of potential new drugs.
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WHO At least 700,000 people a year die from drug-resistant diseases but only 50 antibiotics exist in the medical community pipeline of potential new drugs.
The global economy slowed to a 2.3% growth rate last year, its lowest of the decade, from rising trade tensions and slowing investment, UNCTAD said.
More than half of all people reaching adulthood in the early 21st century believe it more likely than not a nuclear attack will occur in the coming decade.
WEF's annual compendium of the biggest risks on the planet, released to shape next week's gathering at Davos, overwhelmingly focuses on the climate crisis.
U.N. officials unveiled a sweeping plan to avert Earth's sixth mass extinction, proposing a global wildlife treaty on the scale of the Paris climate accord.
Conflict-fueled attacks on children that authorities could verify tripled worldwide in the past decade to an average of 45 per day, UNICEF said.
America's "Space Force," the military's first new branch in more than 70 years, could breach space law and prompt a U.S. withdrawal from yet another treaty.
Developing nations ran up $55 trillion of debt in 2018 as part of an eight-year debt surge that is the largest in a half-century, the World Bank said.
London-based ICS proposed creating an organization to run a $5 billion fund for eliminating carbon from global shipping.
Six countries and the U.N. opened the first Global Refugee Forum to help poor nations overwhelmed by taking in people fleeing for safety across borders.
The U.N. climate summit ended in Madrid without resolving how to put a price on carbon and only partial agreement on more ambition in cutting pollutants.
A whistleblower whose sexual assault probe upended UNAIDS was fired over misconduct claims in what she believes is "a blatant act of retaliation."
Alpinism, named for the range where it took root, won UNESCO recognition as a celebrated pursuit with an "intangible" cultural heritage worthy of protecting.
The global commerce system suffered a serious blow when WTO's appellate body was brought to a halt by U.S. opposition to refilling judges on its bench.
Inequalities in education, health and living standards caused a 20% loss in global progress towards aspects of needed "human development" last year.
Ahead of its Davos meeting, the World Economic Forum released a mission statement for 21st century businesses to elevate the importance of doing good.