Nations adopt 2030 health coverage goal
The U.N. General Assembly called on all nations to work towards enabling everyone to have affordable, quality health services by 2030.
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The U.N. General Assembly called on all nations to work towards enabling everyone to have affordable, quality health services by 2030.
A day before the U.N. Climate Action Summit, climate science groups said nations must reduce "glaring and growing gaps" between intention and action.
Students and young leaders met for the first U.N. Youth Climate Summit to demand world leaders "walk the talk" and “stop wasting time" to save the planet.
More than 500 institutional investors urged governments to finally take significant action to reduce carbon emissions.
Delegates will consider what to do in the face of the announcement last year by U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration to withdraw his nation's participation.
Tourism now accounts for about 1-in-10 jobs worldwide, but it uses up significant amounts of energy and other resources.
Over the past decade, there has been only slight progress in sending more children to classrooms worldwide. One-sixth of school-age kids lack an education.
The IMF said tariffs imposed or threatened by the U.S. and China could reduce global economic output by 0.8% in 2020 and cause more losses later.
UNCTAD is looking at how to solve the climate crisis, particularly how sea level rise impacts small island nations.
A warning that sovereignty and national borders are being invoked to prevent human rights issues from being addressed.
The 170,000 young people polled were split over whether to blame governments, companies or other young people.
Little more than 60% of all refugee children are able to go to primary schools, versus 90% among all children globally.
Oceans, landfills and public spaces are filling with degraded bits and pieces of bottles, toys and other plastic pollution.
The proposed global treaty is intended to strengthen marine protections for international waters that are beyond the 200 nautical mile (370 kilometer) jurisdiction of coastal nations.
The aim is to establish better networks of support worldwide for advocates and raise the pressure for perpetrators of violence and intimidation to be held accountable.
To mark the anniversary, diplomats planned to discuss the strengths and weakness of international humanitarian law.