Trump strongly rejects international cooperation. Round 2 is underway.
Here's a timeline of Trump's actions involving international organizations and treaties, from his first term to the present.
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Here's a timeline of Trump's actions involving international organizations and treaties, from his first term to the present.
Trump's second term will likely pose a serious challenge to U.N.-led efforts on climate change, global health and trade.
IMF blames lackluster global economy on slowing growth, potential trade wars and regional conflicts.
The pact, approved by consensus, outlines 56 broad actions, including an explicit call to phase out fossil fuels.
As summit host, Biden's administration projected unity for Ukraine and deflected concern about Trump.
The Biden administration hosts a celebration for an expanding NATO's 75th anniversary amid political turmoil.
Reporters Without Borders warned that governments' support for press freedom around the world has been shrinking.
Russia is shipping refined petroleum to North Korea, which is supplying Russia with weapons against Ukraine, officials say.
A Swiss-led U.N. Security Council committee will find it harder to deal with 'suspicions' of sanctions violations.
The first-of-its-kind provision cites an “urgent need for the international community to address the challenges and concerns raised by autonomous weapons systems."
The U.S., Albania, Japan, and South Korea led a U.N. Security Council session that shone a spotlight on starvation and repression under Kim Jong Un's regime.
The biennial report noted the erosion of nuclear security coincides with growing nuclear security dangers and alarming increases in stockpiles of weapons-usable nuclear materials.
The total number of nuclear warheads fell worldwide, but the amount of operational nuclear weapons started to rise.
Humanitarian leaders say the risk of nuclear catastrophe is the highest 'since the worst moments of the Cold War.'
The NATO chief emphasized the need to negotiate new arms control arrangements, despite broad geopolitical worries.
The Group of Seven's nonproliferation directors expressed alarm that Russia, China and North Korea have all been pushing to expand their nuclear-armed capabilities.