U.S. ordered by U.N. tribunal to lift some economic sanctions on Iran
Judges ruled that sanctions reinstated by the Trump administration breached a 1955 treaty between Iran and the United States that predates Iran's Islamic Revolution.
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Judges ruled that sanctions reinstated by the Trump administration breached a 1955 treaty between Iran and the United States that predates Iran's Islamic Revolution.
At the U.N. General Assembly, U.S. President Donald Trump unleashed a vicious attack on the U.S.-hosted world body that he described as a largely usesless "global bureaucracy."
The picture is complicated by safety and environmental concerns and IAEA's dual roles as watchdog and promoter.
Russia and Turkey plan to allow a 'war on terror' to continue against fighters living near civilians in the Idlib region.
A U.N. panel identified six Myanmar military leaders it said should be prosecuted for genocide against Rohingya Muslims.
The concept of a demilitarization zone, like the one planned for Idlib, goes back almost a half-millennium to Europe's rules on demolishing forts or prohibiting their reconstruction.
The World Trade Organization is under mounting pressure from U.S. President Donald Trump's administration to justify its global rules, dispute forum and even its existence.
New ethnic clashes in the south of the country and violence along a border region displaced more than 1 million people.
The U.N. Security Council, led by the U.S. this month, held its first meeting devoted to debating the ties between corruption, peace and security, focusing especially on Venezuela.
Russians and Americans have a complicated history of election meddling abroad but they are not equivalent, international organizations and democracy proponents say.
The number of people killed in Syria is commonly assessed at more than half a million, but the existing data are "convenience samples" and almost certainly an undercount.
The charismatic statesman from Ghana, who spent virtually his entire career as a U.N. administrator and rose to become the world body's first Black African U.N. secretary-general, has died, his foundation announced in the Swiss capital.
More than a half-century after the world agreed to keep the peace in outer space, U.S. President Donald Trump's militarization plans could violate international space law.
With the U.S. reversal, Iran's planned economic opening to the West depends on its European, Russian and Chinese partners.
Three times a year, a little-known panel of human rights experts gathers in Geneva and New York with a monumental task: upholding people's civil and political rights.
The report found the highest concentration of modern slavery in North Korea — and bigger numbers than previously reported in Australia, Europe and the United States.