Trump's anti-internationalism strains Western military alliance
After calling NATO obsolete and suggesting America might not defend other alliance members, U.S. President Donald Trump demanded other members raise their defense spending.
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After calling NATO obsolete and suggesting America might not defend other alliance members, U.S. President Donald Trump demanded other members raise their defense spending.
The implications of the U2 frontman's message extended well beyond Ireland's expected three-way race against Canada and Norway for two temporary seats on the U.N. Security Council.
The defeat of a U.S. nominee reflects broad dissatisfaction with Trump's policies on migration, economy and trade.
As the international organization created to oversee the ban on chemical weapons, OPCW has until now been unable to name those it found responsible for carrying out attacks.
The need for more science focused on the Southern Ocean was among the themes of the Polar 2018 conference about the Arctic, Antarctic and high altitude regions.
U.N. human rights investigators said the world's permanent war crimes tribunal should prosecute Venezuelan security forces for hundreds of arbitrary killings and other abuses.
U.N. agencies are convening their first outer space conference in almost two decades, the celestial counterpart to the world body's Earth-bound mission of preventing another world war.
The governing body of world football overwhelmingly selected Canada, Mexico and the United States to serve as hosts, marking the first time three nations have shared such a role.
Two nuclear watchdogs were prepared for the monitoring and verification North Korea would need for denuclearization.
Organizations are adopting blockchain, which could transform everything from agriculture to health care to aid.
The fracture lines between Trump and some of the United States' strongest allies were evident well before the gathering.
A summit with the U.S. could expand North Korea's little-known involvement with international organizations.
A World Health Organization commission ratcheted up the pressure in a fight against neglected chronic diseases.
Diplomats said Syrian President Bashar Assad's government has no credibility or moral authority to lead the U.N. forum.
António Guterres launched a campaign underscoring the need for nations to scrap nuclear arsenals and other weapons.
The Hague-based institution is meant to step in only when nations won't or can't dispense justice themselves.