Danger of exhausting local water supply puts 1-in-4 at risk globally
'Extremely high water stress' afflicts 83% of the population in the Middle East and North Africa and 74% in South Asia.
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'Extremely high water stress' afflicts 83% of the population in the Middle East and North Africa and 74% in South Asia.
Education Cannot Wait said Afghan girls are the "furthest behind" in efforts to erase poverty and reduce inequality.
The conflict has pushed over 20 million people into severe acute hunger, including 6.3 million a step away from famine.
African Union and West African regional bloc leaders supported deployment of a standby military force and demanded that Niger's junta release the ousted president.
Increasing rice prices from India's ban “raises substantial food security concerns for a large swath of the world population."
ECOWAS' 15 nations set an Aug. 6 deadline for Niger's military to restore to power the democratically elected president.
As climate litigation increases, the body of legal precedent grows, forming an increasingly well-defined field of law.
Without U.N. intervention, the tanker could have released as much as four times the oil spilled by the Exxon Valdez in 1989.
Heat waves can be expected about once every 15 years in the U.S. and Mexico, once a decade in Southern Europe, and once every 5 years in China, according to the study.
Guterres' bid to revitalize multilateralism is at the heart of his “New Agenda for Peace” policy paper for the United Nations.
Mining the deep seas: The best way forward to a green energy transition, or a looming environmental disaster?
China's President Xi Jinping took an apparent swipe at mulilateral approaches to the climate crisis at the end of four days of high-level U.S.-China climate talks.
The biennial report noted the erosion of nuclear security coincides with growing nuclear security dangers and alarming increases in stockpiles of weapons-usable nuclear materials.
British diplomats are leading a push at the U.N. that could be a starting point for a multilateral approach to regulating AI.
Don't say we weren't warned: Extreme weather events and new records are becoming the norm as our polluted Earth suffers warming oceans, raging fires and rising floods.
Ukraine failed to win a definitive timeline for joining the military alliance while Sweden's path to entry accelerated with plans to deepen counterterrorism cooperation with Turkey.