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U.S. and Hungary reject U.N.-led push for a new global migration pact

A new pact for promoting safe migration that's supported by 190 countries has been advancing through the United Nations without participation from the United States and Hungary.

Confrontation between migrants and police at Hungarian border.
Confrontation between migrants and police at Hungarian border. (AN/Trollman Capote)

UNITED NATIONS (AN) — A new global pact for promoting safe migration is advancing through the United Nations without participation from the United States and Hungary, both headed by populist right-wing leaders espousing hard-lines policies trying to keep immigrants out.

The compact affects some 250 million migrants, the U.N. estimated. Around 90% of cross border migrants move for economic reasons. Migrants comprise just 3.4% of global population but contribute nearly 10% of global GDP, according to a recent McKinsey Global Institute study.

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