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WHO chief says vaccines alone won't end pandemic

WHO’s chief said reports of Moderna's experimental coronavirus vaccine were "encouraging news," but cautioned more will be needed to end the pandemic.

A photo illustration of medicinal syringes used to administer drugs, vaccines and blood transfusions
A photo illustration of medicinal syringes used to administer drugs, vaccines and blood transfusions (AN/Jernej Furman)

GENEVA (AN) — The World Health Organization’s director-general said reports on Monday of drugmaker Moderna's experimental coronavirus vaccine provided "encouraging news," but cautioned that more concerted efforts beyond vaccines will be needed to end the COVID-19 pandemic.

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus welcomed Moderna's announcement its vaccine was 94.5% effective at preventing illness in a preliminary analysis, but said it will take a "full range of tools" such as tests, diagnostics and treatments to stop a virus that has infected 54.7 million people and killed 1.3 million people worldwide, more than 246,000 in the United States alone. Some 35 million have recovered.

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