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WHO chief sees pandemic 'finish line'

With the number of deaths from COVID-19 reaching its lowest point of the pandemic, WHO's director-general for the first time said "the end is in sight."

Tax authorities in Taiwan offer walk-up services to avoid confined spaces where COVID-19 could spread
Tax authorities in Taiwan offer walk-up services to avoid confined spaces where COVID-19 could spread (AN/Xuan Shisheng)

GENEVA (AN) — With the number of COVID-19 deaths reaching its lowest point of the pandemic, the World Health Organization's director-general for the first time held out the possibility that it could be coming to an end.

"Last week, the number of weekly reported deaths from COVID-19 was the lowest since March 2020. We have never been in a better position to end the pandemic. We are not there yet, but the end is in sight," Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus told an online media briefing on Wednesday.

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