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WHO: World's first coronavirus pandemic

WHO declared the coronavirus outbreak a pandemic — the global spread of a new disease — marking the first time a coronavirus has gained that distinction.

A New York City transit worker disinfects a train on March 3, 2020, as a precaution against coronavirus
A New York City transit worker disinfects a train on March 3, 2020, as a precaution against coronavirus (AN/Marc A. Hermann)

GENEVA (AN) — The World Health Organization took the drastic step on Wednesday of declaring COVID-19 as a global pandemic — the worldwide spread of a new disease — marking the first time a coronavirus has gained that distinction.

Alarmed at the fast-spreading rate of infections and slow government reactions, the U.N. health agency for the first time acknowledged that the global outbreak is a pandemic, a politically charged word in some circles, as a way of prodding countries dragging their feet into swift, efficient action.

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